
I want a divorce

Dear John,

I’m writing to you because I need to get something off my chest. I want a divorce. I’m sorry to drop this on you in this manner, but I haven’t been able to reach you for a long time. Whenever we meet, we never seem to see eye to eye about anything. It was hard to make this decision, but the fact remains I have considered about it for longer than I care to remember. It’s come time to re-evaluate our lives, and I really believe we are both better off going our separate ways.

John, I still love you on some level. But more than that, I believe relationships should be based on mutual respect; something we probably never really had. Relationships are not supposed to be hurtful, either. You keep making promises you never follow through. My heart can not take any more disappointment. The gap between us may have been, in part, caused by other people, but it does not change the fact that we have grown irreparably apart. I’m not blaming you as I know you are very busy, and my sickness has taken a heavy toll on our life.

But my dearest John, you are uncaring and unreachable. Where were you when I needed you? I’m tired of being alone. I may be difficult and unstable – selfish, even – but I have always tried to make the best of our time together. I have tried my very best to reach those dreams we had. Well, I no longer want to go at it alone. John, I wish it did not have to come to this, but I’m tired of pretending. I’ve come to realise my naivety. I never again want to experience the humiliation of our plans falling apart right in front of everyone we know.

People will think it is all my fault, but I don’t care. I’ve lost my face enough times to be able to survive another humiliation: I fully intent to let you go. I hope we may go peacefully about our final separation; the last thing I want is to hear another empty promise. Let’s remain acquaintances, John. Let’s nod an acknowlegement when our paths cross. But most of all, John, let’s acknowledge our failure to be able to satisfy each other and quit while we still can.

Yours forever,


PS: Replace John with ”universe”.

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It Has Been Written:

January 2011


And guess what!

Give me all your money: